Vita 1 – Writing

[March 2, 2015]

F r e d e r i c a    M a t h e w e s – G r e e n


Total as of 2/3/2015:  10 books, 737 published articles, 564 speaking events, 693 media interviews

Repository of papers: Addlestone Library Special Collections, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC


Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity

(Paraclete Press, 2015)

The Jesus Prayer: The Ancient Desert Prayer that Tunes the Heart to God

(Paraclete Press, 2009; 800-451-5006)

In England, Darton, Longman & Todd, 2010

The Lost Gospel of Mary: The Mother of Jesus in Three Ancient Texts

(Paraclete Press, 2007; 800-451-5006)

First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journey through the Canon of St. Andrew

(Paraclete Press, 2005; 800-451-5006)

The Open Door: Entering the Sanctuary of Icons and Prayer

     (Paraclete Press, 2003; 800-451-5006)

Gender: Men, Women, Sex, Feminism

(Conciliar Press, 2002; 800-967-7377)

The Illumined Heart: The Ancient Christian Path of Transformation                           

(Paraclete Press, 2001; 800‑451‑5006)

A Companion Guide to ‘The Illumined Heart’ (with Robert Gibson)

(Paraclete Press, 2006; 800-451-5006)

At the Corner of East and Now: A Modern Life in Ancient Christian Orthodoxy

(Conciliar Press reissue, 2009; 800-967-7377)

Audio book, Ancient Faith Radio,

Published by Tarcher/Penguin Putnam, 1999; in England, Lion Publishing, 2000

Facing East: A Pilgrim’s Journey into the Mysteries of Orthodoxy

(HarperSanFrancisco, hardback 1997, paperback 2006; 800-242-7737)

Real Choices: Listening to Women, Looking for Alternatives to Abortion

(Conciliar Press, 1997; 800-967-7377)

Published by Multnomah Press, 1994




National Review Online, movie and consumer reviews

“Frederica Here & Now” podcast on Ancient Faith Radio

Regular contributor: National Review Online, Christianity Today, Books & Culture, Touchstone, First Things, others

Advisory and Editorial Boards

Christianity Today, Contributing Editor

FOCUS, Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve

Kyria online magazine for women leaders

Books and Culture, Contributing Editor

Kairos Journal, Advisory Board

Touchstone, Contributing Editor

Salvo, Editorial Board

The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Contributing Editor

The Handmaiden Journal, Editorial Board

Divine Ascent, Editorial Board

Institute on Religion and Democracy

Council on Faith and International Affairs

Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity

Torrey Honors Institute of Biola University

Hill Country Institute for Contemporary Christianity

The Vine

Orthodox Peace Fellowship

Ecumenical Coalition on Women and Society

Americans United for Life

Center for Faith and Culture

Susan B. Anthony List

Brotherhood of Fr. John Klimakos

Tapestry Ecumenical Women’s Ministry


Best American Spiritual Writing, 2007, Houghton Mifflin

Best Christian Writing 2006, Jossey-Bass

Best Regular Column: Culture, the Arts, and Leisure, Catholic Press Association, 2004

Best Christian Writing 2004, Jossey-Bass

Best Christian Writing 2002, HarperSanFrancisco

Books for a Better Life awards, finalist, 2000

Best Christian Writing 2000, HarperSanFrancisco

Best Spiritual Writing 1998, HarperSanFrancisco

Christian Women Role Models (1998), Ecumenical Coalition on Women and Society


National Public Radio, occasional commentator (“Morning Edition”)

Hallmark TV Network, occasional commentator (“America at Worship”)

National Public Radio, regular commentator, 1996-1999 (“All Things Considered”)

“Come Receive the Light” syndicated radio program, commentator

Judge, Evangelical Press Awards

Judge, American Church Press Awards

The Christian Millennial History Project, contributing author

Los Angeles Times, book reviews

Christianity Today, bimonthly columnist

“Veggie Tales” / Big Idea Inc., consultant

Christian Reader / Today’s Christian, “Everyday Theology” bimonthly columnist

Odyssey [now Hallmark] Television Network, monthly commentator (“News Odyssey”)

Religion News Service, biweekly columnist

Our Sunday Visitor, movie reviews

World magazine, national correspondent, biweekly columnist

re:generation quarterly, Editorial Board

Common Ground Network for Life and Choice, board

Eutopia: A Journal of Orthodox Catholic Dissent, Editorial Board

Feminists for Life of America, Vice President for Communications

Sisterlife Quarterly (journal of FFLA), Editor 1989-1994

BreakPoint with Chuck Colson, writer-researcher

Americans United for Life, Public Affairs Associate for Education

Vote kNOw Coalition (MD referendum 1992), Communications Director


In Press

“The Accidental Beekeeper” will appear in

Books & Culture


“The Public Atheists Refute an Imaginary God” appeared on, Jan 28, 2014

“Miraculous Flowers” appeared on, Jan 29, 2014

“Grand Budapest Hotel” appeared on

National Review Online, Feb 2014

“Are Some Sins Unforgiveable?” appeared on, Mar 7, 2014

“The Fault is in Our Stars” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 2014

“Magic in the Moonlight” review appeared on

National Review Online, July 2014


“Bibleworks” review appeared in

Leadership Journal

“The Little Way of Ruthie Leming” review appeared in

Books & Culture, July/Aug 2013

“How Feminism Went Wrong” appeared in

Christian Bioethics, 2013

“Monsters University” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 21, 2013

“Faith, Experience, and Theory” series appeared on, July 27-8, 2013

“Austenland” review appeared on National Review,

August 17, 2013

“What is Worship For?” series appeared on, Sept18, 2013

“Enough of Anger” appeared in

National Review, October 2013

“Feminism Against the Sexual Revolution” appeared on, October 7, 2013

“Why Not Speak Out on Gay Marriage?” series appeared on, October 10, 2013

“The Heart of the Scriptures” appeared in

The Table, Fall 2013

“Christmas Carols Gone Awry” appeared on, December 6, 2013

“Inside Llewyn Davis” review appeared on

National Review, Dec 20, 2013


“Silents are Golden” appeared in

Christianity Today, Feb 2012

“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Dec 16, 2012

“W.E.” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Feb 10, 2012

“Where Do We Go Now” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, May 10, 2012

“Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, May 15, 2012

“Brave” review appeared on

National Review Online, July 10, 2012

“Blasphemy and Art” appeared on, Aug 20, 2012


“Icons” appeared on

Biologos, Jan 23, 2011

“Forgiveness Vespers” appeared on

Trevecca, Jan 25, 2010

“There Be Dragons” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, May 2011

“The Illusionist” review appeared on

National Review Online, Feb 2011

“There Be Dragons” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, May 2011

“Larry Crowne” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, July 1, 2011

“Harry Potter” review appeared on

Patheos, July 15, 2011

“Higher Ground” and interview with director Vera      Farmiga appeared in

Christianity Today Movies, Aug 2011

Christianity Today, Jan 2012

“Main Street” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Oct 2011

“In Time” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Oct 28, 2011


“Athletic Lent” appeared in

Christianity Today, Feb 2010

“Alice in Wonderland” review appeared on

ChristianityTodayMovies, Mar 5, 2010

“Forgiveness” appeared on, Mar 2010

“Jesus Prayer” appeared on

Kyria, March 2010

“Letters to Juliet” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, May 8, 2010

“Hidden and Triumphant” review appeared in

Books & Culture, Sept-Oct 2010

“Toy Story 3” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, June 19, 2010

“Flipped” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Aug 20, 2010

“Expecting Mary” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Sept 10, 2010

“American Grace” appeared on

Templeton Report, Oct 8, 2010

“Humble Approach Initiative” will appeared on

Templeton Report, Oct 22, 2010

“Life as We Know It” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Oct 8, 2010


“Judgment of the Next Generation” appeared on

National Review Online, January 23, 2009

“Earth” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, April 22, 2009

“Hannah Montana” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, April 2009

“Wolverine” review appeared on

National Review Online, May 1, 2009

“O’Horten” review appeared on

Christianity Today Online, August 2009

“Up” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 2009

“$9.99” review appeared on

Christianity Today Online, June 2009

“500 Days of Summer” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, July 2009

“Jesus Prayer” will appear in

US Catholic, October 2009

“Motherland” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Aug 15, 2009

“All About Steve” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Sept 6, 2009

“In the Womb” review appeared on

National Review Online, Sept 1, 2009

“The Invention of Lying” appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, October 2, 2009

“As We Forgive” appeared on

National Review Online, Oct 15, 2009

“Fantastic Mr. Fox” appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 30, 2009

“Avatar” appeared on

National Review Online, Dec 20, 2009


“The Air I Breathe” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Jan 25, 2008

“Hannah Montana” appeared on:

First Things Daily Article, Feb 5, 2008

“Bonneville” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Feb 29, 2008

“Miss Pettigrew” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Mar7, 2008

“Branson” appeared in:

Books & Culture, Mar-Ap 2008

“A Golden Bell and a Pomegranate” appeared in:

Again, March 2008

“Baby Mama” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, April 5, 2008

“Encountering the Mystery” review appeared in:

First Things, June-July 2008

“When the Movie Trumps the Book—Top Ten” appeared on:

National Review Online, May 16, 2008

“Diminished Capacity” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, July 4, 2008

“Wall-E” review appeared on

National Review, June 27, 2008

“When Mother Comes Home” appeared on

First Things Daily, July 29, 2008

“The Rocker” review appeared on

Christianity Today Online, August 20, 2008

“Henry Poole is Here” review appeared on

Christianity Today Online, August 15, 2008

“Let’s Create a Perfect World” appeared on, October 21, 2008

“Lettuce Pray” appeared in

Touchstone, November 2008

“Why Converts to Orthodoxy are Obnoxious” appeared on, November 19, 2008

“The Saints and Me” appeared in

Orthodox Outlook, Fall 2008

“Prayers for Our Nation” appeared in

The City, November 2008

“The Hypnotic Mall” appeared in

Again, December 2008

“Ask the Filmmaker: Sensation of Sight” appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, December 4, 2008

“Cadillac Records” appeared on

National Review Online, December 5, 2008

“The Tale of Despereaux” appeared on

National Review Online, December 22, 2008


“7 Big Questions” appeared in

Relevant, Jan-Feb 2007

“Women’s Ordination” appeared on, Jan 10, 2007

Sainte Materne website, Belgium

“Spirituality” appeared in

Leadership Essentials, Jan 2007

“Christians and Culture” appeared in

Christian Vision Project newsletter, March 2007

“Lost Gospel of Mary” appeared in

CIVA Seen, September 2007

“Adam and Autism” appeared on, April 12, 2007

“Lost Gospel of Mary” appeared in

ExploreFaith, April 2007

“Lost Gospel of Mary” appeared on, Apr 6, 2007

“Meet the Robinsons” review appeared on, Mar 30, 2007

“Spider Man 3” review appeared on, May 4, 2007

“Emily Bazelon” appeared in

Human Life Review, Summer 2007

“The Wounded Torturer” appeared in

Review of Faith and Intl Affairs, Summer 2007

“Pirates of Caribbean 3” review published on

National Review Online, May 24, 2007

“A Mighty Heart” review published on

National Review Online, June 15, 2007

“Remembering Ruth Bell Graham” appeared on, June 15, 2007

“Ratatouille” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 23, 2007

“From Episcopalian to Orthodox” published in

Again, Summer 2007

“Arctic Tale” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, July 30, 2007

“Men and Church” appeared on, October 2007

“Into the Wild” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Sept 30, 2007

“Bella” review appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, October 2007

“Darjeeling Limited” review appeared on

National Review, Oct 12, 2007

“Idiocracy” published in

Books & Culture, Nov-Dec, 2007

“What Would Jesus Buy?” appeared on

Christianity Today Movies, Nov 2007

“The World and the Grail” appeared on

First Things online, Nov 2007

“Enchanted” appeared on:

Christianity Today Movies, Dec 2007

“Walk Hard” appeared on:

Christianity Today Online, Dec 21, 2007


“When There’s No Miracle” appeared on

Beliefnet, January 4, 2006

“A Rescue, Not a Payment” [FF excerpt] appeared on

Beliefnet, January 6, 2006

“Paradise Now” appeared in

The Review of Faith and International Affair, Winter 2006

“Nanny McPhee” review appeared on

National Review Online, Jan 27, 2006

“Curious George” review appeared on

National Review Online, Feb 10, 2006

“Beliefnet Film Awards” (three reviews) appeared on, Feb 10, 2006

“Men We Love” (Fr. George Calciu) appeared on

National Review Online, Feb 14, 2006

Contributor to “Crunchy Cons” blog on

National Review Online, Feb-Mar 2006

“Getting Serious for Forty Days” appeared on

National Review Online, Mar 1, 2006

“Loving the Storm-Drenched” appeared in

Christianity Today, March 2006

“First Fruits of Prayer” appeared in

The Word, March 2006

“Just Plain American Orthodox” appeared in

Sacred History, March/April 2006

“Failure to Launch” appeared on

National Review Online, March 10, 2006

“Thank You For Smoking” appeared on

National Review Online, March 17, 2006

“Redefining the Camps” appeared in

Sojourners,April 2006

“Why We Need Hell”appeared on, March 29, 2006

“Friends with Money” review appeared on

National Review Online, April 20, 2006

“The Wise Thief, St. Dimas” appeared on, April 20, 2006

“American Dreamz” review appeared on

National Review Online, April 21, 2006

“Art School Confidential” appeared on

National Review Online, May 9, 2006

“When ‘Get Human’ is Not Enough” appeared on

National Review Online, May 3, 2006

“Poor Excuse” appeared in

Touchstone, May 2006

“DaVinci Dialogue: Yeah, Whatever” appeared on

The DaVinci Dialogue, May 7, 2006

“Bouquet of Vacuums” appeared on

National Review Online, May 12, 2006

“DaVinci Code” review appeared on

National Review Online, May 19, 2006

“Gifts of the Desert” (book review) appeared in

Touchstone, June 2006

“Cars” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 9, 2006

“Scoop” review appeared on

National Review Online, July 29, 2006

Contributor to First Things blog,

August 2006

“Hollywoodland” review appeared on

National Review Online, September 8, 2006

“All the King’s Men” review appeared on

National Review Online, September 22, 2006

“Flyboys” review appeared on

National Review Online, September 22, 2006

“Science of Sleep” review appeared on

National Review Online, Sept 29, 2006

“Open Season on Beauty” appeared in

Dallas Morning News, October 1, 2006

“Infamous” review appeared on

National Review Online, October 16, 2006

“The Prestige” review appeared on

National Review Online, October 23, 2006

“Ted Haggard and Suffering” appeared on

First Things Online, Nov 7, 2006

“For Your Consideration” review appeared on

National Review Online, November 17, 2006

“Nativity Story” review appeared on, Nov 30, 2006


“What to Say at a Naked Party” appeared in:

Christianity Today, Feb 2005

“Facing Widowhood” appeared in

Today’s Christian, Jan/Feb 2005

“When All We Can Do is Watch” [Tsunami] appeared on

Beliefnet, Jan 5, 2005

“Pro-life Stereotype-breakers” broadcast on

“Morning Edition,” NPR,

Jan 24, 2005

“In Good Company” review appeared on

National Review Online,Jan 28, 2005

“Unfashionable Adultery” appeared in

DC Examiner, Feb 1, 2005

“Million Dollar Baby” review appeared on

National Review Online, Jan 31, 2005

“Because of Winn Dixie” review appeared on

National Review Online, Feb 18, 2005

“Be Cool” review appeared on

National Review Online, Mar 4, 2005

“Robots” review appeared on

National Review Online, Mar 14, 2005

Consultant on “Bible as Literature” textbook,

March 2005

Judge for Associated Church Press Awards,

March 2005

Judge for Evangelical Press Association Awards,

March 2005

“Millions” review appeared on

National Review Online, April 5, 2005

“Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” review appeared on

National Review Online, April 29, 2005

“From Clapping Hands to a Still, Small Voice” (Pentecost) appeared on, May 13, 2005

“Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” review appeared on

National Review Online, May 19, 2005

“Civility” appeared in

The Dallas Morning News, May 22, 2005

“Bodies of Evidence” appeared in

Touchstone, June 2005

“Cinderella Man” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 3, 2005

“Howl’s Moving Castle” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 9, 2005

“Bewitched” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 26, 2005

“War of the Worlds” review appeared on

National Review Online, June 30, 2005

“Orthodox – Catholic Union” appeared in

The Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2005

“Against Eternal Youth” appeared in

First Things, August 2005

“Transfiguration” appeared on, July 27, 2005

“Go or Stay?” appeared on

Kairos Journal, October 2005

“Oliver Twist” review appeared on

National Review Online, Sept 29, 2005

“In Her Shoes” review appeared on

National Review Online, Oct 11, 2005

“Elizabethtown” review appeared on

National Review Online, Oct 18, 2005

“Orthodoxy: Unbruised by the Culture Wars” appeared on, August 3, 2005

“Tarzan” appeared in

Books & Culture, Sept-Oct 2005

“Women in Ministry” appeared in

OCAMPR E-Journal, July 2005

“Narnia and Character” appeared in

Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox,

Oct 20, 2005

“C.S. Lewis, the ‘Reluctant Convert’” appeared on, Nov 4, 2005

“Pride and Prejudice” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 11, 2005

“Chicken Little” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 4, 2005

“Walk the Line” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 18, 2005

“The Four-Hour Hymn” appeared in

Sacred History, December 2005

“Lion, Witch, Wardrobe” review appeared on

National Review Online, Dec 9, 2005

“Deeper Magic at the Movies” [Narnia] review appeared on, Dec 6, 2005


“Peter Pan” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Jan 11, 2004

“Doing Everything We Can” appeared in

Touchstone, January 2004

“Post-abortion Father” appeared in

Christian Reader, Jan/Feb 2004

“Big Fish” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Feb 1, 2004

“Oscar Overview” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Feb 22, 2004

“Cohabitation” will appear in

Christian Reader, Mar/Ap 2004

“The Meaning of Christ’s Suffering” appeared in

Books & Culture, Mar / Ap 2004

“Bloody, to What End?” appeared in

Newsday, Mar 7, 2004

“Eternal Sunshine” (movie review) appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Mar 21, 2004

“The Alamo” (movie review) appeared in, Ap 20, 2004

“Raising Helen” (movie review) appeared on, Ap 26, 2004

“Van Helsing” (movie review) appeared on, May 7, 2004

“Troy” (movie review” appeared on

Beliefnet, May 13, 2004

“Pitesti and Abu Ghraib” appeared in

Dallas Morning News, May 26, 2004

“Tradition, Yesterday and Today” appeared in

Again, Summer 2004

“Goin’ to Take a Hyphenated Journey” appeared on

National Review Online, June 1, 2004

“Postmodern Puzzle” appeared in

Today’s Christian, May / June 2004

“The Mystery of the Trinity” appeared in

The Cresset, Easter 2004

“The Problem w/ Women’s Spirituality” appeared on

Beliefnet, July 6, 2004

“I, Robot” review appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, 2004

“The Door in the Floor” review appeared on

National Review Online, July 23, 2004

“Antiochian Autonomy” appeared on

CTOnline, July 26, 2004

“Manchurian Candidate” review appeared on

National Review Online July 30, 2004

“Alcoholism” appeared in

Today’s Christian, July/Aug 2004

“Eldercare for Jesus’ Aging Mother” appeared in, Aug 13, 2004

“Gay Rights” appeared in

Today’s Christian, Sept/Oct 2004

“Sky Captain” review appeared in

National Review Online, Sept 17, 2004

“More than a Feeling” appeared in

Beliefnet, Sept 17, 2004

“Shaun of the Dead” review appeared on

National Review Online, Sept 27, 2004

“Joyous Cursing” appeared on

Christianity Today Online, Oct 9, 2004

“I Heart Huckabees” review appeared on

National Review Online, Oct 12, 2004

“Ray” review appeared on

National Review Online, Oct 29, 2004

“The Incredibles” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 8, 2004

“Alfie” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 9, 2004

“Finding Neverland” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 18, 2004

“Kinsey” review appeared on

National Review Online, Nov 22, 2004

“Help a Friend” appeared in

Today’s Christian, Nov/Dec 2004

“Hurling Whitewash” appeared in

Touchstone, December 2004

“Is this Shark Gay?” appeared on

Beliefnet, Dec 13, 2004

“Closer” review appeared on

National Review Online, Dec 3, 2004

“Spanglish” review appeared on

National Review Online, Dec 10, 2004

“Dutch Child Euthanasia” appeared on

Christianity Today Online, Dec 28, 2004

“Lemony Snicket” review appeared on

National Review Online, Dec 19, 2004

“Won’t Grow Up” appeared in

Dallas Morning News, Dec 22, 2004


“Entertaining Demons” appeared in

Christian Reader, Jan/Feb 2003

“Pinocchio” (movie review) appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Jan 26, 2003

“30 Years Since Roe” broadcast on

NPR “Morning Edition”, Jan 22, 2003

“Rethinking Roe” appeared on

National Review Online, Jan 22, 2003

“I Can’t Wait to Repent” appeared in

Dallas Morning News, Feb 1, 2003

“The Merciful God of Prophecy” (book review) appeared on, Mar 2003

“Gods & Generals” (movie review) appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Mar 2, 2003

“Is Suicide Unforgiveable?” appeared in

Christian Reader, Mar/Ap 2002

Judge for Associated Church Press Awards,

March 2003

“Fasting” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Mar 23, 2003

“Bringing Down the House” (movie review) appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, April 6, 2003

“Why They Hated Pinocchio” appeared in

Touchstone, April 2003

“Feminist Fantasies” (book review) appeared in

The American Conservative, April 21, 2003

“Armenia” appeared in

Christian History Project, Vol 3

“Anger Management” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, May 4, 2003

“Praying for Mr. Right” appeared in

ChristianReader, May/June 2003

“Apocalyptic Choices” appeared in

Touchstone, May 2003

“Jane Juska” appeared on

National Review Online, May 9, 2003

“Matrix Reality” appeared on

Christianity Today Online, May 11, 2003

“Matrix Reloaded” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, May 19, 2003

“Bruce Almighty” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, May 27, 2003

“Commitment” broadcast on

Hallmark “America at Worship”

June 15, 2003

“Eternal Marriage” appeared in

Christian Reader, July/Aug 2003

Matthew Luhn (profile) appeared in

Christian Reader, July/Aug 2003

“Jesus and the Bent Woman” appeared on

Beliefnet, “Search for Jesus”, June 2003

“Marriage” appeared on

Beliefnet, “Inspirations,” June 2003

“Infection or Infraction” appeared in

Again, June 2003

“Spellbound” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, July 20, 2003

“Pagels and NeoGnostics” appeared on, July 16, 2003

Books & Culture, Nov/Dec 2003

“Seabiscuit” review appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Aug 17, 2003

“Confession” appeared in

Books & Culture, Sept/Oct 2003

“Lottery” appeared in

Christian Reader, Sept/Oct 2003

“What Mel Missed” appeared in

Beliefnet, Sept 24, 2003

“Magdalene Sisters” review appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Sept 14, 2003

“School of Rock” and “Radio” reviews appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Oct 26, 2003

“Sins and Illegitimacy” will appear in

Christian Reader, Nov/Dec 2003

“Matrix Revolutions” and “Master and Commander” appeared in:

Our Sunday Visitor, Dec 7, 2003

“Elf” review appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Dec 14, 2003

“Return of the King” and “Last Samurai” reviews appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Dec 28, 2003


Howard Finster (profile) appeared on

Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn website

“Cheerios” appeared on, Jan 25, 2002

“Whatever Happened to Repentance?” appeared in

Christianity Today, Feb 4, 2002

CrossPoint, Winter 2003

“Josephus” appeared in

The Christian Millennial History Project, Feb 2002

“Greta Van Susteren Facelift” appeared on, Feb 15, 2002

“Andrea Yates” appeared on, March 1, 2002

“Both Door and Path” appeared in

Touchstone, March 2002

“Easter” was broadcast on

NPR “Morning Edition” May 3, 2002

“About a Boy” (movie review) appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, June 2, 2002

Abp. Dmitri (profile) appeared in

Christianity Today, May 21, 2002

“Ya-Ya Sisterhood” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, June 30, 2002

“Men in Black II” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, July 21, 2002

“Egypt” appeared in

The Christian Millennial History Project, vol 2

“Miner Miracle” appeared on

Beliefnet, July 2002

“Pride” appeared on

Beliefnet, Aug 2002

“Signs” review appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Aug 25, 2002

“Why Humans Mate” appeared in

The Handmaiden, Summer 2002

“Let’s Have More Teen Pregnancy” appeared in

National Review Online, Sept 20, 2002

“Sept 11 Aftermath” appeared on

Beliefnet, Sept 10, 2002

“Four Feathers” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Sept 29, 2002

“The Economics of Sin” appeared in

Christian Reader, Nov-Dec 2002

“Sweet Home Alabama” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Oct 27, 2002

“Punchdrunk Love” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Nov 17, 2002
“Free Love Then and Now” appeared in Touchstone, Nov 2002

“The Two Towers” appeared in

Our Sunday Visitor, Dec 22, 2002

“Abortion in the Tides of Culture” appeared in

First Things, Dec 2002


“Run-over Pocketbook” appeared on, Feb 1, 2001

“Flowers for the Fellas” appeared on, Feb 13, 2001

“No More Dirty Dancing” appeared in

Citizen, March 2001

Omega, April 2001

“A Moment of Silence” appeared in

Dallas Morning News, March 10, 2001

Visalia CA Times-Delta, Jan 21, 2001

“The Joy of Filboid Studge” appeared on, Mar 4, 2001

“Chocolat” appeared on, Mar 19, 2001

“‘God isn’t dead, I talked to him this morning’” appeared on, Mar 27, 2001

“Easter Changes Everything” appeared on

Beliefnet, April 14, 2001

“The Hidden Gospels” [book review] appeared in

Los Angeles Times, April 14, 2001

“Footprints of a Pilgrim” [book review] appeared on, April 2001

“Monkeying With Life” appeared on, May 29, 2001

“Marketing Narnia” appeared on

Beliefnet, June 20, 2001

“Jiminy Cricket was Wrong” appeared on

Beliefnet, June 2001

“Liberty, Death, or Something Else” appeared on

Beliefnet, July 4, 2001

“Justice and Judgement” appeared on

Beliefnet, July 11, 2001

“Becoming Orthodox” appeared in

Woman Alive (UK), Aug 2001

“What Women Need [Three Bad Ideas]” appeared in

Touchstone, Aug 2001

“Fr George and Repentance” appeared on

Touchstone,October 2001

“Why Does God Permit Suffering?” appeared on

Beliefnet, Sept 16, 2001

Catholic Digest, Feb 2002

“A Call to Repentance” appeared on

Beliefnet, Sept 20, 2001

Word, Jan 2002

“Anna and Goliath” appeared in

Citizen, September 2001

Mark Pickup profile appeared in

Citizen, October 2001

“Of Stem Cells and Starry Nights” appeared in

Again, Oct-Dec 2001

“Why are We Such Crummy Christians?”appeared on, Nov 6, 2001

Howard Finster profile appeared in

Christianity Today, Dec 3, 2001

“Lessons from the Ashes” appeared in

Citizen, December 2001

“Understanding the Orthodox” appeared in

Catholic Digest, Dec 2001

“Getting Used to Icons” appeared in

CIVA Seen, Fall 2001

“Fr. Arseny” review appeared in

Los Angeles Times, Dec 22, 2001


“Chasing Amy” appeared in

Christianity Today, Jan 10, 2000

Christian Reader, July/Aug 2000

“Deadly Temptation” appeared in

Citizen, Jan 2000

“Susan B Anthony” appeared in

Focus on the Family, January 2000


Human Life Review, Winter 2000

“Beyond the Walls” book review appeared in

Los Angeles Times, Jan 15, 2000

“Psalm 23 and All That” appeared in

Christianity Today, Feb 7, 2000

“Found Object: Body” appeared in

Crosswalk, Jan 2000

Q & A “Sin” appeared in

Crosswalk, Jan 2000

“Dark Side of the Moon” appeared in

Beliefnet, Jan 10, 2000

“Found Object: Big Cheese” appeared in

Crosswallk, Jan 2000

Q & A “Suffering” appeared in

Crosswalk, Jan 2000

“Rock for Life” appeared in

Beliefnet, Jan 22, 2000

“Found Object: Snow-covered Tree” appeared in

Crosswalk, Feb 2000

Q & A “Church” appeared in

Crosswalk, Feb 2000

“Killing Seven to Save One” appeared in

Beliefnet, Feb 1, 2000

“Ned Flanders, My Hero” appeared in

Beliefnet, Feb 10, 2000

“Bioterrorism” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Feb 6, 2000

“Who Chooses Your Soul” appeared on

Beliefnet, Mar 2000

“Lenten Forgiveness” appeared on

Beliefnet, Mar 2000

Beliefnet, Feb 2001

“God, the Devil and Bob” review appeared on

Beliefnet, Mar 8, 2000

“Sex and Saints” appeared in

Christianity Today, Ap 3, 2000

“What Motivates ‘Anti-Gay’ Conservatives” appeared on

Beliefnet, Ap 1, 2000

“Trusting Tradition” appeared in

Touchstone, Ap 2000

“My Cab Ride with Gloria” appeared in

Books & Culture Online, May/June 2000

“Miracle Maker” review appeared in

Beliefnet, April 20, 2000

“Get It?” appeared in

Christianity Today, May 22, 2000

“Perils of the Superman Cape” appeared on

Beliefnet, May 18, 2000

“The Book of Heaven” review appeared in

Los Angeles Times, May 13, 2000

“Neiman-Marcus Compassion” appeared on

Beliefnet, May 30, 2000

“How to Know Jesus” appeared on

Beliefnet, June 18, 2000

“Proselytizing in Orthodox Lands” appeared on

Beliefnet, July 13, 2000

“Every Day is Casual Friday” appeared in

Christianity Today, July 10, 2000

“Jack Chick Tracts” appeared on, July 2000

“Born to Live, Left to Die” appeared in

Citizen, July 2000

“A Clear and Present Identity” appeared in

Christianity Today, Sept 4, 2000

“A Second Chance at Life” appeared in

Citizen, August 2000

“Why I’m Pro-Life” appeared on, August 2000

“Why I Won’t See the Exorcist” appeared on, Sept 25, 2000

“RU 486” appeared on, Sept 28, 2000

“Divine Union” and “Rules” appeared on

Beliefnet, Oct 6, 2000

“Rape and Incest Exception” appeared in

Citizen, October 2000

NOEL News, Feb 2001

“Unrighteous Indignation” appeared in

Christianity Today, Oct 23, 2000

“In the Beginning” (movie review) appeared on, Nov 10, 2000

“Born to Shop?” appeared on, Dec 6 2000

“Decency Pledge” appeared on, Dec 15, 2000


“My Spice Girl Moment” appeared in

Christianity Today, Jan 11, 1999

“Christian Witness on NPR” appeared in

National Religious Broadcasters, Jan 1999

“Che” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Jan 21, 24 1999

“Unlikely Allies” appeared in

Citizen, Feb 1999

“Getting to Disagreement” appeared in

Sojourners, Jan-Feb 1999

“Could We Survive Persecution?” appeared in

Christianity Today, Mar 1, 1999

“Forgiveness” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Mar 4, 7 1999

“Kosovo” broadcast on

“NewsOdyssey,” April 8, 11 1999

“Cassie” broadcast on

“NewsOdyssey,” May 13, 16 1999

“Men Need Church Too” appeared in

Christianity Today, May 24, 1999

Insight, June 21, 1999

“Kosovo” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, June 7, 1999

“Subversive Civility” appeared in

The Park Ridge Center Bulletin, May/June 1999

“The Christian Believer” video released by

Abingdon Press, Summer 1999

“South Park” broadcast on

“NewsOdyssey,” July 1, 4 1999

“The Thrill of Naughtiness” appeared in

Christianity Today, Sept 6, 1999

“Evil Poses the Question that Draws a Thousand Answers” appeared in

Dallas Morning News, Sept 25, 1999

“Generation J” book review appeared in

Los Angeles Times, Oct 16, 1999

“Basil and Macrina” appeared in

Christian History,Fall 1999

“Time Out” appeared in

Christianity Today, October 25, 1999

“Squirrel Collar” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Oct 31, 1999

“The Abortion Debate is Over” appeared in

Christianity Today, Dec 6, 1999

“Number of the Beast” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Dec 19, 1999

“God as Suffering Parent” appeared in

Beliefnet, Dec 22, 1999

Again, Dec 2000

Beliefnet, Dec 2000


“Militia” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Jan 8, 11, 1998

Abortion Dialogue posted to website

MS-NBC, Jan 21, 1998

“Personhood” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, Jan 21, 1998

“Changing Women’s Minds About Abortion” appeared in

Citizen, January 1998

“Wanted: a New Pro-Life Strategy” appeared in:

Christianity Today, Jan 12, 1998

“Reclaiming the Great Tradition” (bk review) appeared in

First Things, Jan 1998

“Women’s True Rights” appeared in:

Mission and Ministry, Winter 1998

The Plough, Spring 1998

“We Can Find Common Ground on Abortion” appeared in:

U.S.Catholic, Jan 1998

“Rising Victorious” appeared in:

Christianity and the Arts, Winter 1998

“Don’t Blame the Publishers!” appeared in:

Christianity Today, Feb 9, 1998

“Death Penalty” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, Feb 5,8 1998

“Poetry for Dummies” appeared in

Books & Culture, March-Ap 1998

“Forgiveness Vespers” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, Mar 2 1998

“The Apostle” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, March 5, 8 1998

“So I’m Sorry Already” appeared in

Christianity Today,April 6, 1998

“Basic Training” appeared in:

Marriage Partnership, Spring 1998

“Euthanasia” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, April 2, 5 1998

In Communion, April 1998

“Proclaimers and Persuaders” appeared in

Heartlink , April 1998

“FE-Holy Week” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, Ap 14, 1998

“The Revolt” book review appeared in

Christianity Today, April 27, 1998

“Jerry Springer” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Ap 30-May 3, 1998

“Mote in the Eye of the Beholder” appeared in

Books & Culture, May/June 1998

“Go Ahead, Offend Me” appeared in

First Things, May 1998

US Catholic, May 1999

“I Didn’t Mean to be Rude” appeared in

Christianity Today, May 18, 1998

“St Helena” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, May 22, 1998

“Horse Trough Baptism” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, June 8, 1998

“Truman Show” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, June 11-14, 1998

“Disappearing Children” appeared in

Rutherford Inst “Action”, June 1998

“FE-Green Linoleum” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, June 24, 1998

“Middle-Class Hypocrisy” appeared in

Christianity Today, July 13, 1998

“Abortion Counseling Behind the Razor Wire” appeared in

Citizen, July 1998

“Her Flesh and Blood” appeared in

Cornerstone, Summer 1998

“All We Can Bring” appeared in

Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Summer 1998

“Lion and Lambeth” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, July 23-26, 1998

“Should You Design Your Own Religion?” appeared in

The Utne Reader, August 1998

“Facing the Homosexual Void” appeared in

Touchstone, July/Aug 1998

“Gagging on Shiny, Happy People” appeared in

Christianity Today, Sept 7, 1998

“I Believe” appeared in

re:generation Quarterly, Fall 1998

Feminism & Nonviolence Studies, Fall 1998

Shari Plunkett (profile) appeared in

Christianity Today, Oct 5, 1998

Washington Times, Jan 8, 1999

“Moms in the Crossfire” appeared in

Christianity Today, Oct 26, 1998

“Vicar” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, Oct 8-11, 1998

“Christmas Materialism” appeared in

Self, Dec 1998

“Santa” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Dec 3, 6 1998


“Silence is Golden, even at the Gas Pump” distributed by

Religion News Service, Jan 7, 1997

“The Subject Was Noses” appeared in:

Books & Culture, Jan-Feb 1997

“A Foot in the Door at NPR” appeared in:

St. Sophia Quarterly, Fall 1996

“Think of all you’d miss…” appeared in:

Smithsonian Magazine, February 1997

“Geechee and Gullah” distributed by:

Religion New Service, January 21, 1997

“False Accusations” taped for broadcast by

“News Odyssey,” Jan 31, 1997

“The Bomb that Wasn’t” distributed by

Religion News Service, Feb 4, 1997

“The Genoveses Find God” appeared in:

National Review, Feb 24, 1997

“Larry Flynt” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Feb 24, 1997

“Hazing” broadcast by

“News Odyssey,” Feb 21-23, 1997

“Parents’ TV Guides” appeared in:

Policy Review,March/Ap 1997

“Compassion” appeared in:

Virtue, March/Ap 1997

“Common Ground” appeared in:

Philanthropy, Culture and Society, Jan 1997

“Formative Books” appeared in:

Mission and Ministry, Winter 1997

“Lenten Sacrifice Appropriate” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, March 4 1997

“Ron Fitzsimmons” distributed by

Religion News Service, March 10, 1997

“Gullah Bible” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, March 20, 1997

“Rotate the Symbols” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, March 21-23 1997

“Albania” distributed by

Religion News Service, March 24 1997

“Platitudes” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, March 31, 1997

“The Dilemmas of a Pro-Life Pastor” appeared in:

Christianity Today, April 7, 1997

“It Takes Two, Baby” appeared in:

Heartlink, March, 1997

“Death to the World” appeared in:

Regeneration Quarterly, Winter 1997

The Washington Times, May 30, 1997

“TV Ratings (1)” distributed by

Religion News Service, April 7 1997

“Pascha” broadcast by

“News Odyssey,” Ap 18-20 1997

“TV Ratings (2)” distributed by

Religion News Service, Ap 21, 1997

“Gallery” appeared in:

Christian History, Spring 1997

“Heavens Gate” distributed by

Religion News Service, May 6, 1997

“Redeem the Time” appeared in:

Touchstone, Winter 1997

“Samaritan Project” distributed by

Religion News Service, May 19, 1997

“Military Discipline” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” May 16-18, 1997

“Thrift Shop” broadcast on:

NPR—All Things Considered, May 20, 1997

“Fabryism” distributed by

Religion News Service, June 2, 1997

“Schools” broadcast on:

“News Odyssey”, June 13-15

“Virtual Water Cooler” broadcast on

NPR—All Things Considered, July 1997

“Embarassment’s Perpetual Blush” appeared in:

Christianity Today, July 14, 1997

“Feminism’s Next Generation” appeared in:

The Handmaiden, Spring 1997

“St.Vladimir On Line” distributed by

Religion News Service, June 30, 1997

“Abortion as Self-Defense” appeared in:

Focus on the Family Citizen, July 28,1997

Human Life Review, Fall 1997

“Mars Flood” broadcast on:

“News Odyssey”, July 10-13, 1997

“Meet a stranger from paradise” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 16, 1997

“Cheerful hubub at the old Federal Reserve” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 17, 1997

“Eroticism, Gnosis, and the Cross” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 18, 1997

“Mary Haines has found her strong voice” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 19, 1997

“Cultural Blindness” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 21, 1997

“Fr. Simeon” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 22, 1997

“Intro to Ortho” broadcast on:

NPR—All Things Considered, July 22, 1997

“Weary in Well-doing” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 23, 1997

“Exhibition Hall Chant” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 24, 1997

“Rip Van Winkle” appeared in:

The United Voice, July 25, 1997

“And Now for Some Good News” appeared in:

First Things, Aug/Sept 1997

“The Assault on Parenthood” (review) appeared in:

National Review, August 11, 1997

“Fervent Faith” broadcast on:

News Odyssey, Aug 7-10, 1997

“From Choice to Consent” (book review) appeared in:

National Right to Life News,Aug 12, 1997

Eutopia, Oct 1997

Rep. Tony Hall (profile) appeared in

Christianity Today, Sept 1, 1997

“The Question about Jean” appeared in:

The Handmaiden, Summer 1997

“Clipboard Ladies, Forward March” appeared in

Books & Culture, Sept-Oct 1997

“Princess Diana” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Sept 4-7, 1997

“Promisekeepers” broadcast on

“News Odyssey,” Oct 2-5, 1997

“Bible Misquotes” broadcast on:

NPR—All Things Considered, Oct 6 1997

“Oneida” column appeared in

Christianity Today, Oct 6 1997

“Witches” broadcast on

“News Odyssey, Oct 30-Nov 2 1997

“FE-Icons” broadcast on:

NPR—All Things Considered, Nov 5, 1997

“Progress Makes Perfect” broadcast on:

NPR—All Things Considered, Nov 18, 1997

Cooney Family (profile) appeared in

Christianity Today, Nov 17,1997

“Men Behaving Justly” appeared in

Christianity Today, Nov 17, 1997

“The Quest for Unity” (book review) appeared in

First Things, Nov 1997

“Arranged Marriages” broadcast on

“News Odyssey”, Dec 4,7, 1997

“Beyond ‘It’s a Baby’” appeared in:

National Review, Dec 31, 1997

Eutopia, March/April 1998


Sen. Dan Coats (profile) appeared in:

World, Jan 6, 1996

“Is There Room for Common Ground?” appeared in:

The Christian Century, Jan 3-10 1996

“Second Thoughts on Abortion” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Jan 9, 1996

“Safe-T-Man” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Jan 23, 1996

Long Island Catholic, Jan 31, 1996

“Think Twice on Religion in Schools” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Feb 6, 1996

Long Island Catholic

Cleveland Plain Dealer, Feb 17, 1996

The Covenant Companion, April 1996

“Adopoly” appeared in:

World, Jan 27, 1996

“This just in: the Honey syndrome” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Feb 20, 1996

Walter Williams (profile) appeared in:

World, Feb 24, 1996

“Jumping the Gun on TV Violence” distributed by:

Religion News Service, March 5, 1996

“One man works, another man begs” distributed by:

Religion News Service, March 19, 1996

“Women’s Work” appeared in:

Regeneration, Winter 1996

“The Women of Disney” appeared in:

Books & Culture, March-April 1996

The Oozeletter, Dec 2002

“Are you looking…” (brochure):

Conciliar Press, Feb 1996

Fr. Robert Sirico (profile) appeared in:

World, Mar 30, 1996

“The Lure of Leona” distributed by:

Religion News Service, April 2, 1996

Salt Lake City

“A Different Death Row” appeared in:

World, March 16, 1996

“Way of a Pilgrim” (review) appeared in:

ReligionBookLine, May 1996

Howard Finster (profile) appeared in:

World, April 20, 1996

“Ethical Treatment of Fish” distributed by:

Religion News Service, April 16, 1996

“Slippery-slope to Infanticide” distributed by:

Religion News Service, April 30, 1996

San Antonio Express-News, May 11, 1996

“Adoption & Abortion” broadcast by:

NPR—All Things Considered, May 8, 1996

“Crones and Starlets” distributed by:

Religion News Service, May 14, 1996

“Proof’s in the Pancreas” distributed by:

Religion News Service, May 28, 1996

“Everyday Faith” broadcast by:

NPR—All Things Considered, June 6,1996

Rep. Charles Canady (profile) appeared in:

World, June 8 / 15, 1996

“Michael” distributed by:

Religion News Service (RNS), June 11, 1996

“Partial Birth Abortion” appeared in:

Heterodoxy, May/June 1996

“Earth to Eleanor” distributed by:

RNS, June 25, 1996

“Generation Why” broadcast by

NPR—All Things Considered, July 8, 1996

Richmond Style Weekly, Aug 6 1996

“Flyover Land” distributed by:

RNS, July 9, 1996

“Virtual Water Cooler” broadcast by

NPR—All Things Considered, July 12, 1996

“Pro-Life Dilemma” appeared in:

Policy Review, July-Aug 1996

Orange Co Register, July 21, 1996

Long Beach, CA Press-Telegram July 30, 1996

Vancouver WA Columbian, July 31, 1996

The Washington Times, Nov 5 1996

American Life League CPC list

“Church Fires, Contagious Hatred” distributed by

Religion News Service, July 23, 1996

“Seeking Abortion’s Middle Ground” appeared in:

The Washington Post--Outlook, July 28, 1996

Senior News of Loudon County

Living, Winter 1996

“Shows the Family Can Watch” distributed by

Religion News Service, Sept 3, 1996

“Cyberporn” distributed by

Religion News Service, Sept 17, 1996

“Of Martyrs, Consumers, and Cocoons” appeared in:

Foundations, Sept/Oct 1996

“Happy Hour” appeared in:

Current Thoughts and Trends, September 1996

“Darwin’s Black Box” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Oct 1, 1996

“Men Protecting Women” broadcast by

NPR—All Things Considered, Oct 9 1996

“Breast Cancer/Abortion Connection” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Oct 15, 1996

Salt Lake Tribune, Oct 19, 1996

“Doledrums” distributed by

Religion News Service, Oct 29 1996

“Abortion Issue” broadcast by

NPR—All Things Considered, Oct 28 1996

NPR—Weekend Edition, Nov 2 1996

“Deconstructing the Cheshire Cat” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Nov 12, 1996

“Chicagoland Radio” appeared in:

Touchstone, Summer 1996

“Who is That Idiot Next to the Potted Plant?” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Nov 25, 1996

“The Grim Nativity of an Inconvenient Infant” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Dec 9, 1996

“Finding a Place in the Human Community” distributed by:

Religion News Service, Dec 24, 1996

“Tasteless Miracles” broadcast by

NPR—All Things Considered, Dec 27, 1996


“Keep it Superficial” appeared in:

World, January 7, 1995

Real Choices 5-part series for Chuck Colson

BreakPoint, January 1995

“Why Women Choose Abortion” (Real Choices excerpt):

Christianity Today, January 9, 1995

“The Road from Serfdom” appeared in:

World, January 7, 1995

Bob Woodson (profile) appeared in:

World, January 7, 1995

“Noisy, Empty Gestures” appeared in:

World, January 21, 1995

Open Arms Newsletter, Winter 1995

“The View from Clinton, SC” appeared in:

World, January 28, 1995

“What Does Blood Tell?” appeared in:

World, Feb 4, 1995

“Not Quite a Perfect Fit” appeared in:

Prism, Sept-Oct 1994 (published Feb 95)

Sen. Phil Gramm (profile) appeared in:

World, Feb 18, 1995

“Dignity, Always Dignity” appeared in:

World, Feb 18, 1995

Again, Aug 2001

“Real Choices” appeared in:

Studies in Pro-Life Feminism, Winter 1995

“Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe” (book review) appeared in:

St. Sophia Quarterly, Winter 1995

“Humble Servants” appeared in:

National Catholic Register, February 26, 1995

“What’s in a Name?” appeared in:

World, March 4, 1995

“Henry Foster Nomination” appeared in:

Baltimore Sun, March 5, 1995

“The Magnificent Seven” appeared in:

World, March 11, 1995

“Spooking the Zeitgeist” appeared in

World, March 18, 1995

“Encourage a Pregnant Woman’s Choice for Life” (Real Choices):

Servant Life, April 1995

Positive Living

“Compassion and Concentric Circles of Support” appeared in:

Studies in Pro-Life Feminism, Spring 1995

“Being Persuasive for Life” appeared in:

NOEL News, Spring 1995

“Works without Faith are Doomed” appeared in:

World, April 1, 1995

“In the Passenger Seat” appeared in:

Regeneration, Spring 1995

“A Year in Orthodoxy” appeared in:

Image, Spring 1995

Alan Keyes (profile) appeared in:

World, April 8, 1995

“St. Peter Principle” appeared in:

World, April 15, 1995

“Higher Learning” appeared in:

World, April 22, 1995

“Orthodox Fast and Feast” distributed by

Religion News Service, April 11, 1995

Akron OH Beacon Journal, April 19, 1995

“Smiling Conservatives” distributed by

Religion News Service, April 25, 1995

Fort Worth Star-Telegram, April 30, 1995

“Peacenik Bumpersticker” distributed by

Religion News Service, May 9, 1995

“Abjection, the Dirty Secret” appeared in:

World, April 29, 1995

“Mother’s Day Every Day” appeared in:

World, May 6, 1995

“And the Winner is…” appeared in:

World, May 20/27, 1995

Lamar Alexander (profile) appeared in:

World, June 3/10, 1995

“Conservative Ecumenism” distributed by

Religion News Service, May 30, 1995

“Making It Up is Hard to Do” appeared in:

Books & Culture/Christianity Today, July 17, 1995

“Being Persuaders for Life” appeared in:

NOEL News, Spring 1995

“Embryonic Trend” appeared in:

Policy Review, Summer 1995

“AIDS ministries” distributed by

Religion News Service, June 13, 1995

“Baby Katherine” distributed by

Religion News Service, June 27, 1995

National Catholic Register

“Fame” distributed by

Religion News Service, July 11, 1995

“Conservative Ecumenism” appeared in:

Myrrhbearers, Summer 1995

Bob Dornan (profile) appeared in:

World, July 1/8, 1995

“Love and Action AIDS Ministry” appeared in:

Philanthropy, Culture, and Society, August 1995

“Can’t We All Just Get Along?” appeared in:

World, July 15, 1995

Joy Davis (profile) appeared in:

World, July 29, 1995

“The Editors at Rose Hill” appeared in:

Touchstone, Summer 1995

“Inside Look” appeared in:

Touchstone, Fall 1995

“Looking for Religious Truth in all the wrong places”:

Religion News Service, July 25, 1995

Cleveland Plain Dealer, Sept 9, 1995

Akron OH Beacon-Journal, July 29, 1995

“Mail-Order Bundles of Joy” appeared in:

World, August 12/19, 1995

“HIV Testing of Newborns” distributed by:

Religion News Service, August 8, 1995

National Catholic Register, Sept 3, 1995

“Beijing—Six Genders?” distributed by:

Religion News Service, August 22, 1995

Mobile AL Register, Aug 23, 1995 (front page)

National Catholic Register, Sept 24, 1995

“Beijing—Don’t Know Much” appeared in:

World, September 9, 1995

“Through a Glass More Clearly” appeared in:

Books and Culture, Sept 1995

Catholic Digest

“Their Ship Has Come In” appeared in:

World, September 16, 1995

Christian Reader, Mar/Ap 1996

“Daughters” distributed by

Religion News Service, Sept 19, 1995

“Soap Gets in Your Eyes” appeared in

World, Sept 23, 1995

“48 Hour Incarceration” appeared in:

World, October 7, 1995

“Death Penalty” distributed by:

Religion News Service, October 3, 1995

Pat Buchanan (profile) appeared in:

World, October 14, 1995

“Abortion Common Ground” distributed by

Religion News Service, October 17, 1995

“E Pluribus Disunum” appeared in:

World, October 21, 1995

“Weeping Icon & Eugene” distributed by

Religion News Service, October 31, 1995

Bob Dole (profile) appeared in:

World, November 4, 1995

“Sweet Mystery of Daisy” appeared in:

World, November 4, 1995

“To Hell on a Cream Puff” appeared in:

Christianity Today, Nov 13, 1995

Christianity (U.K.), Feb 1997

“Baltimore Book Dump” appeared in:

Books & Culture, November 1995

Ginny Thornburgh (profile) appeared in:

Christianity Today, Oct 23, 1995

“Works Without Faith” distributed by

Religion News Service, Nov 14, 1995

Long Beach, CA Press Telegram, Nov 18, 1995

Baton Rouge, LA

“Overthrown by Eros” appeared in:

World, Nov 18, 1995

Mission and Ministry, Summer 1996

Enough is Enough newsletter

“Dazed and Confused at the Mall” distributed by

Religion News Service, Nov 28, 1995

“Santa-Free Christmas” distributed by

Religion News Service, Dec 12, 1995

Long Island Catholic, Dec 20, 1995

“Reflections of a CPC Director” appeared in:

Heartlink, December 1995

“The Moral Compass” (book review) appeared in:

Christianity Today, December 11, 1995

“Gluttony” distributed by

Religion News Service, Dec 26, 1995

Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dec 30, 1995


“Schindler’s List” (movie review) appeared in:

World, January 15, 1994

“Reclaiming Birth” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Winter 1994

“Pro-Life Pro-Choicers” appeared in:

World, January 15, 1994

“Heaven and Earth” (movie review) appeared in:

World, Jan 22, 1994

“Warning: the 50s led to the 60’s” appeared in:

World, January 22, 1994

“My Lunch with Frances Kissling” appeared in:

National Catholic Register, January 23, 1994

Denver Catholic Register, April 13, 1994

“The Book of Virtues” (book review) appeared in:

World, January 29, 1994

“Let God be God” appeared in:

World, January 29, 1994

Fellowship Magazine, United Church of Canada

“Do-it-yourself Deity” appeared in:

World, February 5, 1994

“Shadowlands” (movie review) appeared in:

World, February 12, 1994

“Faraway, So Close” (movie review) appeared in:

World, March 5, 1994

“Good News, Bad News” appeared in:

World, February 26, 1994

Gov. Robert Casey (profile) appeared in:

World, March 12, 1994

“Politically Correct Death” (book review) appeared in:

Prism, March 1994

“Fire with Fire” (book review) appeared in:

World, March 19, 1994

“Prodigy in Paducah” appeared in:

Faces of Care Net, March 1994

“Pro-Lifers’ Long, Dark Night” appeared in:

Christianity Today, April 25, 1994

“The Kissing Part” appeared in:

The Christian Century, April 13, 1994

“Raising the Dead” (book review) appeared in:

World, April 23, 1994

“Tyrannical Victims” appeared in:

World, April 23, 1994

“The Kind of Help that Helps” appeared in:

Faces of Care Net, April 1994

“Her Flesh and Blood” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1994

Cornerstone, Summer 1998

“Real Choices: A Research Project for Life” appeared in:

Celebrate Life, May/June 1994

“Rockville Pregnancy Center” appeared in:

Faces of Care Net, May 1994

“Twice Liberated: A Personal Journey Through Feminism”

Touchstone, Summer 1994

“Southside Pregnancy Center” appeared in:

Faces of Care Net, June 1994

“Widow’s Peak” (movie review) appeared in:

World, July 16, 1994

“Woodstock: Regeneration Gap” appeared in:

World, August 27, 1994

“Before Your First Visit to an Orthodox Church: 12 Things I Wish I’d Known” (brochure):

Conciliar Press, August 1994

Reuben Greenberg (profile) appeared in:

World, September 10, 1994

Urban Family, Winter 1995

“Corrina, Corrina” (movie review) appeared in:

World, Sept 17, 1994

“The Greatest Force for Good?” appeared in:

World, September 17, 1994

“Cvltvre Vvltvre” appeared in:

World, October 1, 1994

“Letter from Times Square” appeared in:

World, October 1, 1994

Phillip Johnson (profile) appeared in:

World, October 8, 1994

“Women Making a Difference” appeared in:

Again, September 1994

“When Life is Not Gay” appeared in:

World, October 15, 1994

“The Missing Link” appeared in:

World, October 15, 1994

“It’s Behavior, Not Orientation” appeared in:

World, October 29, 1994

“Killing Abortionists: a Symposium” appeared in:

First Things, December 1994

“Refocusing Pro-Life Arguments” appeared in:

MARConnections, Fall 1994

“The Road to Wellville” (movie review) appeared in:

World, November 12, 1994

“’Judgement Day Happens’” appeared in:

World, November 12, 1994

“Myth of Male Power” (book review) appeared in:

National Catholic Reporter, November 18, 1994

“ ‘Profit’ No Longer a Bad Word” appeared in:

World, November 19, 1994

“The Embodiment of Us” appeared in:

World, November 26, 1994

“ ‘Honey, I Need a Man’ “ (Real Choices excerpt) appeared in:

World, November 26, 1994

“Pro-Life, Pro-Choice: Can We Talk?” appeared in:

Sojourners, December 1994/January 1995

“Love and Marriage: Best Friends Project” appeared in:

Philanthropy, Culture, and Society, December 1994

“No Little People, No Little Places” appeared in:

World, December 10, 1994

Presbyterians Pro-Life News, Spring 1995

“Deconstructing the AAR” appeared in:

World, December 24, 1994


“Abortion Asks Too Much of Women, Too Little of Society” appeared in:

National Catholic Reporter, February 5, 1993

“Helping Women Choose Life” appeared in:

Charisma, March 1993

“The Question of Question 6” appeared in:

Human Life Review, Spring 1993

“Nurturing Both Lives” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1993

“The Sign” appeared in:

ESA Advocate, June 1993

Sisters Today, July 1996

In Communion, Spring 1996

OPF Russia, 1996 (as “Mir Christov”)

East Wichita News, April 1996

“Some People Just Don’t Get It” appeared in:

World, April 17, 1993

“The Terminal Option” (book review) appeared in:

World, June 5, 1993

“Cultures do Change” appeared in:

World, July 17, 1993

“First, Do No Harm” (book review) appeared in:

World, August 14, 1993

“Songs of Life” appeared in:

World, September 14, 1993

“Manhattan Murder Mystery”  (movie review) appeared in:

World, September 14, 1993

“Why I’m Feminist and Pro-Life” appeared in:

Christianity Today, October 25, 1993

“A Labor of Love: Pregnancy Care Centers” appeared in:

Philanthropy, Culture, and Society, October 1993

“Fraternizing with the Enemy” appeared in:

World, October 23, 1993

Word, January 1995

Marriage Partnership, Summer 1999

“Deadly Compassion” (book review) appeared in:

World, Oct 23, 1993

“Happy Fun Slide” appeared in:

World, November 13, 1993

“Living in the Labyrinth” appeared in:

World, Dec 25, 1993


“The Heart of the Matter” appeared in:

Parenting Magazine, Dec 1991/Jan 1992

Sisterlife, Summer 1992

Cross Current Digest, August 1993

MO Right to Life newsletter, Fall 1994

National Right to Life News, December 13, 1994

National Right to Life News, December 9, 1997

“Post-Roe Feminism: Recharged or Discharged?” appeared in:

The World & I, May 1992

“Abortion: Women’s Rights and Wrongs” appeared in:

The Remnant (William & Mary College) Jan 20, 1992

The Evangelical Catholic, January/February 1992

ALL About Issues, March/April 1992

Tract #3, The Episcopal Synod of America series

Sisterlife, Winter 1994

Living World, Fall 1994

The Christian Activist, Summer 1994

“Church Discipline and the Post-Abortion Woman” presented at the

Consultation on the Church and Abortion,

Princeton Theological Seminary, February 28-29, 1992

“FFL Chapter Declines to be Silenced” appeared in

Sisterlife,Winter 1992

“Suffragists at the Abortion March” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1992

      The Florida Catholic

The Perris Reporter

Christian Action Council newsletter, Jan 1992

“Marchers Don’t Speak for Many Women” appeared in:

USA Today, April 8, 1992

“Assuming Too Much” appeared in:

The Living Church, June 28, 1992

“Abortion Law Referendum” appeared in:

The Baltimore Sun, October 18, 1992

“Life, What a Beautiful Choice—Resources” (booklet)

for the Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation

“Maryland’s Referendum on Question 6, Text of Law and Commentary,” 24 page booklet

30,000 copies distributed, June 1992

“Anti-Abortion Forces Know Truth about Big Lie’” appeared in:

Montgomery Journal, July 29, 1992

“Abortion Law Supporters Resort to Insults” appeared in:

Prince George’s Journal, Sept 9, 1992

“Say No to Question 6” appeared in:

Episc Dio of Washington Forum, Oct 1992

The Call, Episc United of MD, Oct 1992

Distrib by Episc Dio of MD, Oct 1992

“Law Helps Only Abortion Businesses,” appeared in:

Prince George’s Journal, Oct 21, 1992

“Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, Vote No on Question 6” appeared in:

Washington Post, Oct 25, 1992

“Question 6 May Be Good Business But It’s Bad Medicine” appeared in:

The Republican, Oakland, MD Oct 29, 1992

Washington Times, Nov 3, 1992


“Designated Unperson” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1991

The Journal of Ethical Studies, Oct/Nov 1991

Iowa Lutherans for Life newsletter

ALL About Issues, May/June 1992

“Taking the Wrong Test?” appeared in:

The NOEL News, Spring 1991

“The Euthanasia/Abortion Connection” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1991

Mississippi Right to Life Update, Spring 1991

“Unplanned Parenthood: Easing the Pain of Crisis Pregnancy” appeared in:

Policy Review, Summer 1991

Human Life Review, Fall 1991

The Congressional Record (Rep. Henry Hyde)

The Minnesota Feminist, Winter 1993

“Unplanned Parenthood” op-ed appeared in:

Taylorville (IL) Breeze-Courier, July 21, 1991

The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 23, 1991

The Phoenix Gazette, July 23, 1991

The San Francisco Examiner, August 10, 1991

The York (PA) Daily Record

“Contraception and the Pro-Life Movement” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Summer 1991

“Maryland’s Bad APPL” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Fall 1991


“Women’s Bodies, Women’s Hearts” published with papers for

Americans United for Life Conf, Aug 1990

“Coming Up Roses” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1990

“The Mirror of History” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Spring 1990

“Scientists’ Doubletalk and the Truth About the Unborn” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Summer 1990

“The Becky Bell Tragedy” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Fall 1990

“The Establishment Wears Love Beads” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Fall 1990


“The Bitter Price of Choice” appeared in:

The Tampa Tribune, December 3, 1989

The Washington Times, December 22, 1989

Georgetown Univ Hoyas for Life distributed 4000 copies, Nov 1989

Sisterlife, Winter 1990

The Shreveport Times, January 29, 1990

Pro-Life Action News, February 1990

The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2, 1990

Crisis magazine, March 1990

Sorrow’s Reward, Spring 1990

First Bapt Ch, Mt Holly, NJ, Spring 1990

MD Right to Life mailed to legislators, Spring 1990

NOEL News, Spring 1990

The Remnant (William & Mary College), Spring 1990

Akron Lifelines, Nov/Dec 1990

Opposing Viewpoints textbook annual, 1990

Bowie CPC newsletter, Fall 1991

United Church of Christ Friends for Life, Spring 1992

Eutopia, March/April 1997

Celebrate Life, Jan 1999

In Communion,Ap 1999

“Right to Redress Offers Hope” appeared in:

Sisterlife, Fall 1989

Book Forewords:

Fr George Calciu: Interviews, Homilies, and

St. Herman of Alaska Press, 2011

The Love Chapter

by St. John Chrysostom

Paraclete Press, 2009

Bible Characters in Genesis

by Dr. Rodolph Yanney

St. Mark’s Orthodox Fellowship, 2009

The Sign of the Cross

by Andreas Andreopoulos

Paraclete Press, 2006


A Tiny Step Away from Deepest Faith

by Marjorie Corbman

Paraclete Press, 2005

Growing in Christ

by Mother Raphaela

St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2003


Praying the Jesus Prayer Together

by Bro. Ramon & Simon Barrington-Ward

Hendrickson Books, 2003


Contributions to Anthologies:

“The Breastplate of St. Patrick” appeared in

Mull Monastery,

ed by Monk Seraphim Aldea,


“The High and Holy Calling of Being a Wife” and “The War Between the Sexes” appeared in

The Glory of Marriage,

ed David & Mary Ford,

St. Tikhon’s Press, 2015

“I Thess 5:17” appeared in

The Way Bible;

Tyndale House, 2012


“Photini,” “The Weeping Woman,” “Whatever Happened to Repentance,” and other writings appeared in

Everyday Matters Bible for Women,

Hendrickson Publishers, 2012

“On Improving as a Listener” appeared in

Developing Ears to Hear,

ed by Aaron Perry,

Emeth Press, 2011

Orthodox Classics selected and described for

25 Books Every Christian Should Read,

ed by Richard Foster,

HarperOne, 2011

“Anna Karenina” appeared in

A Great Books Reader,

ed by John Mark Reynolds,

Bethany House, 2011

“I Changed My Mind” appeared in

Changed Minds,

ed by Bruce Nuffer,

House Studio, 2009

“Bodies of Evidence” appeared in

Writing That Makes Sense,

ed by David Hogsette,

Resource Publications, 2009

“Grandaddy’s Obstetrics” appeared in

Labor Pains and Birth Stories,

ed by Jessica Powers,

Catalyst Book Press, 2008

“The Voice Beneath the Altar” appeared in

A Faith and Culture Devotional,

ed by Lael Arrington,

Zondervan, 2008

“Transfiguration” appeared in

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful,

ed Hal & Rebecca Poe,

Chalice Press, St. Louis, 2008

Orthodox Chart Entry appeared in

Holman Study Bible, 2007

“A Widow Remarries” appeared in

Women Ask, Women Answer,

Thomas Nelson, 2007

Rod Dreher profile appeared in

Fifty Christian Revolutionaries Under Forty,

ed Heather Zydek,

Relevant Press, 2006

“Rising Victorious” appeared in

Proclaiming the Scandal of the Cross,

ed Mark Baker,

Baker Book House, 2006

“The Old Testament Trinity” appeared in

God the Holy Trinity

Ed. Timothy George

Baker Academic, 2006

“Unplanned Parenthood” appeared in

Having Her Say, Human Life Review, 2006

“The Meaning of Christ’s Suffering” appeared in

Best Christian Writing 2006,

Jossey Bass, 2007

“Both Door and Path: On Repentance” appeared in

Best Christian Writing 2004,

Jossey Bass, 2005

“Praying With Icons” appeared in

The Sacred Way,

by Tony Jones,

Zondervan 2004

“Under the Heaventree” appeared in

The Church in Emerging Culture: Five Views, ed Leonard Sweet,

Zondervan Press, 2003

“Twice Liberated” appeared in

Stories of Emergence,

ed Mike Yaconelli,

Zondervan Press, 2003

“Abortion in the Tides of Culture” appeared in

Thirty Years After Roe v. Wade,

Ed William Saunders,

Family Research Council, 2003

“Merry Easter?” appeared in

Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, Plough Press, 2002

“Three Bad Ideas for Women” appeared in

Best Christian Writing 2002, HarperSanFrancisco, 2003

“Angels” appeared in

The Big Book of Angels,

Beliefnet, Rodale, 2002

“Smashed Pocketbook” appeared in


By Barbara Street Hagerty,

Running Press, 2002

“Repent” appeared in

From the Ashes,

Beliefnet, Rodale Press, 2001

“How Can God Permit Suffering?” appeared in

Where was God on September 11?,

ed Donald Kraybill and Linda Peachey,

Herald Press, 2001

“The Revolution and the Revelation” appeared in

College Faith,

ed Niels-Erik Andreasen,

Andrews Univ Press, 2001

“Twice Liberated” appeared in

More Spirited than Lions,

ed Sarah Cowie,

Regina Press, 2001

“God as Suffering Parent” appeared in

Best Christian Writing 2000, HarperSanFrancisco, 2001

“We Can Find Common Ground on Abortion” appeared in

At Issue,

Greenhaven Press, 2000

“And Now for Some Good News” appeared in

Sex: Opposing Viewpoints,

Greenhaven Press, 2000

“Embarrassment’s Perpetual Blush” appeared in

Best Spiritual Writing 1998, HarperSanFrancisco, 1999

“Why I’m Feminist and ProLife” and “Why Women Choose Abortion” appeared in:

Abortion and Reproductive Rights: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicine, Ethics, and the Law,

ed. J. Douglas Butler, CD-ROM, 1997

“Common Ground” appeared in

The New Religious Humanists,

ed.Gregory Wolfe,

Free Press, 1997

and also:

Annual Editions: Sociology 97-98,

Dushkin  Press, 1997

“In the Passenger Seat” appeared in

Our Hearts’ True Home,

ed. Virginia Nieuwsma,

Conciliar Press, 1996

“Abortion and Women’s Rights” appeared in:

The 1995 Information Please Women’s Sourcebook,

Houghton Mifflin, 1995

“The Bitter Price of Choice,” “Designated Unperson,” and “The Abortion/Euthanasia Connection” appeared in

Prolife Feminism Yesterday and Today,

Sulzburger & Graham Publishing, 1995

Subsequent revised edition

Feminism & Nonviolence Studies Assn, 2005

“A Labor of Love: Pregnancy Care Centers” appeared in:

Loving Your Neighbor: A Principled Guide to Personal Charity,

ed. Marvin Olasky,

Capital Research Center, 1994

and also in:

 The Silent Subject,

ed Brad Stetson,

Praeger Publishers, 1996

“Becoming a Pro-Woman, Pro-Life Persuader” appeared in:

Life and Learning IV,

ed Fr. Joseph Koterski,

Univ Faculty for Life, 1994

“Why I’m Feminist and Pro-Life” appeared in:

Feminism: Opposing Viewpoints,

Greenhaven Press, 1994

“The Bitter Price of Choice” appeared in

Human Sexuality: Opposing Viewpoints, Greenhaven Press, 1990

Book-chapter interviews with FMG:


By Doug LeBlanc

Thomas Nelson, 2010

The Life of Meaning

By Bob Abernethy

Seven Stories Press, 2007

Crunchy Cons

By Rod Dreher,

Crown Forum, 2006

Exodus: Why Americans are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity

By Dave Shiflett,

Sentinel, 2005

Orthodox and Wesleyan Scriptural Understanding and Practice

ed. S. T. Kimbrough

St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2005

About Frederica Mathewes-Green

Frederica Mathewes-Green is a wide-ranging author who has published 11 books and 800 essays, in such diverse publications as the Washington Post, Christianity Today, Smithsonian, and the Wall Street Journal. She has been a regular commentator for National Public Radio (NPR), a columnist for the Religion News Service,, and Christianity Today, and a podcaster for Ancient Faith Radio. (She was also a consultant for Veggie Tales.) She has published 10 books, and has appeared as a speaker over 600 times, at places like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Wellesley, Cornell, Calvin, Baylor, and Westmont, and received a Doctor of Letters (honorary) from King University. She has been interviewed over 700 times, on venues like PrimeTime Live, the 700 Club, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, and the New York Times. She lives with her husband, the Rev. Gregory Mathewes-Green, in Johnson City, TN. Their three children are grown and married, and they have fifteen grandchildren.
